
BeginWP is your ultimate source for WordPress tutorials, tips, tricks and resources that can make your WordPress life easy.

The content here is targeted towards beginner users who’re new at WordPress. There are many sites that focus on development but those who’re just starting out on learning WordPress often feel left out. These type of audience are not coder but they want to use WordPress to build websites or for professional blogging. Such people need not to understand how coding works, but they want to the point answers. For e.g. beginners often ask question like how do I create a custom menu? The answer to this question is very simple but the problem is that many theme developers have not incorporated support in their themes to add custom menu. On top of that, even if the theme supports custom menus, sometimes the user doesn’t know how to create it.

We at BeginWP try to answer such questions and help users understand the concept easily – in plain simple English.

If you’ve ever confused about something in WordPress, you can always start a conversation with us, on below social networks. Keep using WordPress – the #1 CMS on the planet.

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